21 May 2015

I have decided to call the talking horse on the Direct TV ad
obviously he’s the distant cousin of Mr. Ed

19 May 2015

Sunday's Non Sequitur

We always get the Sunday paper.  In addition to the local news, we have to get our Phantom fix from the comics.  I also like to look at Trudeau’s Doonesbury, at times its quite amusing and when it’s not, it will at least make you shake your head and ask why.
Non Sequitur is my favorite, its funnier than SNL, I read it before I get my Phantom fix.  In Sunday’s strip Danau is reading her paper to the class.  The “incessantly gurgles toxic nonsense” of politics was priceless.  It stated what I believe is the feelings of most Americans regarding the up coming presidential election.  Thank you Wiley Miller, I absolutely love it.
And for those of you who do not read Non Sequitur, I will post Sundays strip here in hopes that it hooks you.
Until next time
Non Sequitur

12 May 2015



     So it appears that the NFL believes assault and battery, aka domestic violence is not that big a deal and only worthy of a 2 game suspension and no fine.
     The only thing I have to say about those deflated footballs, is that I sincerely wish, they would quit calling the "deflategate." Everytime I hear this term I am reminded of a certain President who was caught doing something I feel most politicians do and the price he paid for it.

11 May 2015

Political Stew


Lets looks at Ted Cruz

It seems every week someone is announcing they plan to run for president.  At first I thought it was much too early to talk about who wants to move into the White House in 2017, but ironically we are only nine months away from January and the birth of the primaries and caucus season.
It is not my intention to influence your vote. I simply wish to learn and get a better understanding of those who are running.  Since there are so many on the Republican side I will only do the ones that are up in the poles and might have a chance at the nominations.
  I am only a blogger, so my resource is of course the web. I promise I will not be one sided like some of the news outlets. I will at times give you my opinion, but remember its mine and you should form your own. I will look at the background, where the candidate stands on issues and when possible look at why they hold that view. I will start with Ted Cruz, only because he was the first to announce.



On March 23, 2015, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was the first to make it official and announced he was running for president. This was followed by the announcements of Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio. There are several others who hint at the possibility, raised money but at this time have not committed.
Sen. Cruz made his announcement at Liberty University. Liberty University is a Baptist university in Lynchburg, Virginia. Sen. Cruz is a Baptist or in his own words, “I’m Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist.”
Sen. Cruz’s parents are interesting; both have a degree in mathematics, both were married before. Sen. Cruz has a half-sister who is a medical doctor.
His mother, Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson was born in Delaware. She earned her degree from Rice University.
His father, Rafael Bienvendo Cruz, was born in Matanzas, Cuba. As a teenager, he joined guerrilla fighters to oppose the oppressive regime of Fulgencio Batista. This action would get him jailed and beaten. At the age of 18, he made the decision to leave Cuba. He applied to and was accepted by the University of Texas. He obtained a student visa at the U.S. Consulate in Havana and moved to Texas, where he earned his degree. The senior Cruz became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005. His current occupation is listed as ordained minister.
extra note:
this week our local newspaper, The Daytona Beach News Journal published a very good article on the Cuban dictator by Jim Haug. Batista loved visiting Daytona Beach in the 1940’s and 50’s and there are local residents who still remember speaking with him at Band shell events. It appears he loved our city so much that he gave us several items from his collection of Cuban art. They are on display at the Museum of Arts & Sciences. I read in the article by Mr. Haug that the Cuban government has requested their return.
I selfishly feel like the art work is part of Daytona’s history and should remain here. With the change developing between the US and Cuban government perhaps we need to visit MOAS and view the pieces while we can.
Elected in 2012, Ted Cruz is the junior republican senator from Texas. He was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where his parents were working. Before you ask, remember his mother is an American citizen. Any child born to an American in a foreign country is an American.
Sen. Cruz attended high school in Texas, graduated valedictorian. After high school he attended Princeton University where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy. He was also was a student at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs before graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, graduating with a Juris Doctor degree.
I listened to and read the transcript of his speech. I was surprised that I found him boring. Not in what he was saying but his voice tone, it was very mono. He used the word imagine so many times that I thought he must be a fan of John Lennon.
Excerpts not in order of presentation:
I want to ask each of you to imagine
imagine instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.
imagine small businesses growing and prospering
Imagine young people coming out of school with four, five, six job
Imagine innovation thriving on the Internet
Imagine America finally becoming energy self-sufficient
imagine a simple flat tax
imagine a president that finally, finally, finally secures the borders
imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life
Imagine embracing school choice

this is only a few of the imagines, the Washington Post counted 40 imagines in this 33 minute speech.
There was one imagine that caught my attention, the thought that came to me, I am sure was not the speaker’s intention but there it was. Not so much anymore, but music use to be very relevant to what was happening in America and the world. Those of us growing up in the Vietnam era may remember Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant and to quote the song
Can you imagine three people walking in, singing a bar of “Alice’s Restaurant” and walking out? They may think it’s an Organization!
And can you imagine fifty people, walking’ in, singing a bar of “Alice’s Restaurant” and walking out.
they may think it’s a movement
Well that’s what popped into my head as Ted Cruz asked us to imagine this:
imagine millions of courageous conservatives, all across America, rising up together to say in unison “we demand our liberty.”
My thoughts were reinforced when Sen. Cruz asked,
If you’re ready to join a grassroots army across this nation, text constitution to 33733.
Not sure what I think of Ted Cruz. I feel he knows of John Lennon, but he might need to ask his Dad about Arlo Guthrie.
I want to believe he is entering this with the best of intentions, so lets just see how far he gets in the polls.
I would say let the games begin, but it appears the political parties and the news media started the game without us following the midterm election,  I guess we need to catch up.
I will place links to the speech and Arlo’s song for you who wish to explore further.

Until next time

